Live stream of the 1.1 GHz magnet delivery.
Starting FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024 at 8:30 AM ET.
Update: 11:19 The 1.1 GHz magnet is getting ready to be moved into the building.

Update: 11:15 Inner and outer hatch have been removed (below).

Update: 10:56 Outer hatch has been removed (below). The inner hatch is next.

Update: 10:44 Getting ready to open the hatch!
There’s an outer hatch section (roof) and an inner hatch section (ceiling).
Update: 10:30 Moving the crated magnet to uncrate.
Update: 10:10 The riggers are getting ready to attach the cables used to hold the magnet (below).

Update: 9:49 More counterweights for the crane (below).

Update: 9: 33 Adding counterweights to the crane (below).

Update: 9: 14 Crane assembly (below).

Update: 9:04 The crane (below) is being set up.

Update: 8:50 The crates are being brought into the building and staged. The picture below is of one of the crates being moved to the loading dock.

Update: 8:31 The crane (pictured below) needs to be set up, the crates moved off of the truck, and the magnet uncrated before the NMR facility hatch will be removed. Art Edison is taking pictures which will be made available later. We will continue to provide updates here as the process progresses.

Update: Friday, June 28, 2024 8:18, the magnet has arrived! The largest crate on the truck in the picture below is the magnet.
We will update this page as we receive more information.

This instrument is part of the Network for Advanced NMR (NAN).
Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
as part of the Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure II program.