900 MHz Bruker Avance NEO
The 900 is equipped for studying large proteins and glycoproteins using conventional proton-detected experiments as well as carbon and nitrogen detected versions.It is also excellent for carbon and proton detection of complex oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
4-channel NEO console (multi-receiver capability). Oxford 54mm pumped magnet.
CN{H} TXO cryoprobe designed for detection of 13C and 15N.
Proton sensitivity is about 2/3 that of a proton optimized probe, but has good salt tolerance. Practical temperature range -20C to 75C.
Proton S/N: Ethyl Benzene 6000:1 Sucrose 1000:1
Carbon S/N: ASTM 3995:1 Ethyl Benzene (13C{1H}) 2807:1
Nitrogen S/N: Formamide 250
Schedule ID: br900
Cost: Academic $14/hr. Commercial $110/hr