800 MHz Bruker Avance NEO

This system is a 4-channel Avance NEO console on an Oxford 800 MHz magnet. It is equipped with a 1.7mm TCI H{CN} cryoprobe that uses samples with 30-40uL volume and so achieves excellent mass sensitivity. A SampleJet autosampler (cooled rack, 5×96 tube cassette) makes this spectrometer ideal for metabolomics, protein screening, or other evaluations of multiple samples with limited material. Experiments such as ligand binding titrations or determination of protein buffer conditions use minimal amounts (e.g. 100uM 15N-HSQC of 15kD protein in 30 minutes). It is also capable of providing the whole range of triple resonance data for isotopically labeled proteins at sub-millimolar concentrations.
Proton S/N: Ethyl Benzene 1570:1 Sucrose 390:1
Scheduling ID: br800
Cost: Academic $14/hr. Commercial $100/hr