Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

Expertise in Metabolomics, Carbohydrate and Protein NMR.

Automated sample handling and data acquisition to analyze mixtures using statistical methods.
High-field spectrometers, sensitive proton and carbon probes for complex oligosaccharide analysis
Structural Biology
Methods for studying glycoprotein structures and determining protein-carbohydrate interactions.
Network for Advanced NMR
Provide access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, software and data archiving.
Update (Friday September 13, 2024): Our new 1.1 GHz Bruker NMR supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Number 1946970 is now operational. We are excited to have the opportunity to utilize this instrument to benefit not only UGA researchers but the greater scientific community through the Network for Advanced NMR. To access any of our instruments view the users dropdown in the menu above.